1. Go to Viridian City and walk north until you reach the Old Man who's just had his coffee. He'll ask if you're in a hurry. Tell him no. Watch a demonstration on how to catch Pokemon.
2. Fly straight to Cinnabar Island. Get on a water Pokemon and Surf along the east coast of Cinnabar. (Note: in this area, you will encounter Pokemon from the last area you visited. It's a great idea to come here after you leave the Safari Zone, as you can catch Safari Pokemon using regular attacks and Poke Balls, not just food and rocks.)
3. Keep Surfing until you discover a "glitched" Pokemon. By the way, you will also receive an "infinite" amount of the item you have in the 6th spot. It's a good idea to clone items like Full Restore, Rare Candy, Lemonade, Max Revive, Poke Balls (especially the Master Ball) and Evolution Stones. A pixelly symbol will appear next to the item, showing that you have many more of the item.
Why Does This Work?
1. When creating the map for what Pokemon appear where, they made a crucial flaw. The 1-square-wide strip of water on the right side of Cinnabar and Seafoam Islands was programmed to be a place where wild Pokemon CAN appear. But (and thank GAMEFREAK for this one) they forgot to define what Pokemon can appear there. This wouldn't be that big of a deal, except that means the previous settings for "what Pokemon can appear" will remain, and if you read #2, you'll see why that causes the glitch.
2. When the Old Man catches the Weedle, they change the variables that are assigned to "Your Name" to Old Man, so it shows up as "Old Man threw the Poke Ball." Now, in order to do that, it overwrites the variables you gave to "Your Name". Therefore, the game must store the variables that make up your name to another place, so it can recall them later. So the programmers at NOA probably thought,
"What are some variables that we can overwrite to assign to the character's name for this process?"
"I got it! How about the slots that define what Pokemon you can run into?"
"That's it! Whenever the character enters a new area, they'll be rewritten, so it won't disturb the game at all!"
*points to #1* Umm.....no. As a result, that wonderful glitch can be yours for only *insert whatever price your local retailer charges for R/B*! Of course, it's not JUST Missingno. you can run into. There will also be some L100+ Pokemon, whose species and levels are determined by your name.
2. When the Old Man catches the Weedle, they change the variables that are assigned to "Your Name" to Old Man, so it shows up as "Old Man threw the Poke Ball." Now, in order to do that, it overwrites the variables you gave to "Your Name". Therefore, the game must store the variables that make up your name to another place, so it can recall them later. So the programmers at NOA probably thought,
"What are some variables that we can overwrite to assign to the character's name for this process?"
"I got it! How about the slots that define what Pokemon you can run into?"
"That's it! Whenever the character enters a new area, they'll be rewritten, so it won't disturb the game at all!"
*points to #1* Umm.....no. As a result, that wonderful glitch can be yours for only *insert whatever price your local retailer charges for R/B*! Of course, it's not JUST Missingno. you can run into. There will also be some L100+ Pokemon, whose species and levels are determined by your name.
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